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Any money raised via this service goes directly into Proteus, helping us to look after rescued reptiles from all over the UK.
Reptile Boarding
Small tortoise species
E.g. Hermanns', Horsfield
Per day
Medium tortoise species
E.g. Greek Spur Thigh
Per day
Small lizard
E.g. Leopard gecko, Crested gecko
Per day
Medium sized lizards
E.g. Bearded dragon
Per day
Small to medium snake species
E.g. Corn snake, Royal python
Per day
This is a brief item description.
Per day
Additonal animals sharing an enclosure will be charged at a rate of 50% of the original price per day. This service depends on animal species and genders.
Please note price per day includes housing, essential heating and lighting where needed, plus the food.
If you have any other enquiries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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